Monday, April 03, 2006

Things to do before I die Things to do before I get senile and forget who I am

Is it me or is my post title morbid? But what else can I call it? Things to do before I get senile and forget who I am? There. Pablo reminded me, but this actually dates back to my "goals" post a long time ago (which, of course, I never sat down and did).

- Learn to fluently speak at least one other language.
- Learn to REALLY knit (like make stuff other than scarves!).
- Learn to crochet.
- Learn to identify wild edibles and other species of plants, tree species, etc.
- Learn to live "stuff" free to the fullest extent possible. Remember to ask myself "yes, but do I LOVE it?" every time.
- Start a fire, once, without matches or lighter. Just to say I did.
- Learn to can vegetables and make jam.
- Become highly literate in theology.
- Become highly literate in holistic healing, herbs, etc.
- Learn to really cook (like, more than 5-6 things, and without recipes).
- Let people in and connect with them. Be there - mind and body. Call friends and get together with them sometimes.
- Be "cut" - have a great superhero bod, like Angelina Jolie in Lara Croft Tombraider. But realistically I'll settle for "be not flabby," and preferably "be toned"
- Volunteer in some way for one of the causes I believe in and at least once walk away feeling like I made a difference.
- Learn to ride, and control, a horse.
- Keep track (keep journals, blogs, etc.) & make goals.
- Travel to (this list is really long and in fact not comprehensive)
* Alaska
* New Zealand / Australia (these two are *almost* interchangeable for me right now)
* Germany
* Russia
* Switzerland
* Austria
* Belgium
* Spain
* Every single US National Park

Things I've done already that I'm glad about:
- Learned a very small smattering (about enough to say "I don't know") of French & Spanish, and cussed a French guy out in French
- Skydived twice
- Scuba dived Cozumel, California, etc.
- Traveled to Paris, Lyon, London, Geneva (just for dinner); Florence, Pisa, Rome
- Gone on a buncha cruises and seen the Carribean and the Bahamas, wedding-mooned in St. Lucia
- Camping in Yosemite. Just, "wow."
- Started to learn to knit
- Quit smoking (even though I gained 50 pounds, I'm still glad!)
- Subsequently lost 25 pounds (still working on losing 5-10 more, but that's about it ; I was a bit less than my ideal weight before at 5'10" and 135, size 4)
- Learned to sew (with a sewing machine)
- Have begun my self-teaching via experimentation in cooking lessons
- Taken horseback riding lessons
- Started using the elliptical machine purchased this past weekend

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