The whole side of the truck and back of the truck is pimping out their Nascar (Talladega) tie-in. But, for some strange reason, on the back upper left panel of the truck, is a small image of a smiling hobo clown kind of like this:

And, above the clown it says "Drive safe - buckle up!"
Now, what I don't get is... What the fuc* is the significance of the clown in this scenario???!!! Are they calling me a clown if I don't buckle my seat belt? Will people pay more attention because the creepy hobo is telling them to?
Whatever. Stupid off brand second rate chip company.
i dont know, thats weird and creepy...perhaps they are calling you a clown if you dont buckle up....i think even clowns buckle up but they ride around in those teeny tiny cars so if the hit anything really no damage would be done to a clown car because it is so compacted....its like throwing a rock at a class window
I hate clowns, especially those creepy hobo kinds.
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