Thursday, March 23, 2006

Comin Clean

I've got to come clean. OK, so I have to admit it.

I'm actually a ridiculously compulsively honest, to a fault, person. I mean, I'm the person who, when someone I am with in line says to the cashier "but, that came from the 20% off rack" I'm saying, "Nooo, that one was on the adjacent rack and not on sale, remember?" - ruining their plans to take advantage of the retail system.

Anyway, so my minor infraction of honesty has been bothering me for the past month. The delicious rice pudding recipe? I ADMIT IT!!! I totally stole it. To see the source, visit the page of my personal idol (I want to be her, she's living my dream!!!) at 10 Signs Like This.

As a footnote - the rest of the stuff here, be it good, bad, or indifferent, unless otherwise credited, is all me. Recipes included. Guaranteed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You're such a card babe. I haven't been here in a while. I will confess no such infraction of honesty; it'd be a tome.