Sunday, May 06, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Sorry, but I just don't have anything to say to you.
So I stopped using this blog, except for completely innocuous bullshit, because an indeterminate amount of my coworkers have access to it.
Like - the tea coworker. I didn't give "them" my URL, but immediately following that post, the behavior changed. Immediately.
So that's it, ya'll, I'm outta here. It's been real (actually, no, it really hasn't - it started out that way, but.... yeah... no.).
I'm going underground. Good luck n'all; I'll miss ya. Maybe I'll still be out there, on a new anonymous site.
If you don't work with me and want to stay in touch, leave me a comment, if there is one, I'll send you the scoop.
If you work with me and want to stay in touch? Stop by my damn desk or something.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
An Easter Gift
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Is it stupid to be proud of chaining together "four whole days" of doing the right thing?
Day 3 I "slacked off" in only doing the AB Ripper (or whatever other catchy name it is) on the Tony Horton Power 90 DVD, thanks to my coworker who recommended it ;). It's just a 10 minute program, but it keeps the ball rolling until I kick it up a notch... God I hate Emeril, by the way.
My ABs hurt all day yesterday. Oh.
OK, so I can't even be that proud. I did take yesterday off.
I went straight from the office to meet John out for dinner to have vegetarian fare at a place which that we'd never eaten at before, which I am going to highly recommend right now: Banaras. Departure from topic: It was YUMMY! I would recommend the dish I had but I have no idea what the heck it was called. Oh, here we go, I looked on their site. It was the "KAJU-PANEER MAKHWANA." Yeah, so, try looking away and remembering that 3 minutes from now. And yeah, there's no way that sucker was low fat. Boy, was it good. Their service was, shall we say... A bit slow. But far from the worst service I've had, and it was totally worth it.
Back to topic: So my pseudo-perceived day 4 was this morning when I got up and did my 30 minute Yoga Now workout. I'll do the elliptical later today.
I feel GOOD. You know how you do something for a while and you forget how good it makes you feel, you just sort of start to take it for granted? I didn't realize how good it feels to work out until I quit and started again. I'm here to tell you that 1 day after I got off my ass I felt GOOD. I felt able to think more clearly and quickly, I felt happy, and my body felt like I was finally waking up to what it is supposed to be doing (which, contrary to popular belief, is NOT simply supporting a flabby shell to enclose our life support systems while they rest in the La-Z-Boy so that our ocular devices can observe "television" and allow our minds to slowly deteriorate away). Wow!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The elliptical
We use the crutches we can, whichever ones we can live with. For me, it was the challenge of being vegetarian and trying to restrict my diet to lose those last few pounds. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Vegetarianism (*sigh* OK, I admit it) is kind of hard enough.*
So I stopped trying to juggle both - I believe in my vegetarianism more. I believe it is of the utmost importance, and I will NOT back down on it because it's "too hard." Not going to happen. So, in the trade-off, I backed off "points" and documenting every bite of every type of food.
And I know the truth. The truth is, there's another option. You can count... Or you can work. Counting seemed easier at first, but wasn't working for me. And I've allowed my denial about the alternative.
Enough. No more pretty lies. I'm not that person, damn it.
And, I've earned the right to say, I am *definitely* not that person today. Day 1.
*I do believe that everyone could go largely ("semi") vegetarian, and eat meat only once or maybe twice a week, and be no worse for wear. I believe that everyone should make better decisions about where their food comes from, and (if you elect to remain an omnivore) choose humane sources, and not only support but fight for humane practices. That soap box is for another day.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
--Comedian Chris Rock
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
MiNd BoGgLiNg
A) pick up off the printer, my printout I made of something that was sent only to me
B) review it in detail
C) make their updates/notes to said document, and then
D) take them back to the originator of the document (who, in case you didn't get this part, had sent it to me - only me - for my review)
and THEN.... Several hours later...
E) tell me about all of the above, and
F) pull out the stolen printout pages that they had tucked away to the side at their desk and
G) hand them to me
Can I just say...
Am I losing it, or is every. single. one. of these steps UNBELIEVABLE?!
I was so stunned I just didn't even know how to react!!!!!!!!!
And, while I'm sure I should have called her out on it, I DIDN'T!!!!
And they think *I'M* the freak.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Please take action
Even if you are a skeptic about whether global climate change is real, or whether it is being caused by humans.... You have a choice - do something that is good, or do something that is bad. There are changes you can incorporate that require very little effort on your part and virtually no sacrifice of quality of living.
Instead of asking me to justify the facts behind why I am doing something, ask yourself for the justification for why you are not.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
An interesting side effect of becoming vegetarian has been the questions people have asked. I am a rare breed: a southerner that doesn’t eat meat. I have unintentionally become the vegetarian ambassador for many of my friends and coworkers. By virtue of my uniqueness, I am their teacher. The misconceptions are many, and curiosity about this lifestyle choice is high. The number one question I have had seems simple: “Why?”
The answers are somewhat less simple. What is the real question here? Since I am reformed at the modest age of 37, I believe the real question is not really just “why,” but also: why now? What was the catalyst? This is what catches people’s interest. In an age of apathy and inaction, taking a step – any step – seems powerful. The “reasons” not to change are numerous. “The Reason” a change occurs must therefore be compelling.
For me, the catalyst came stealthily. I’ve always been interested in vegetarianism, and in fact had numerous vegetarian cookbooks and cooked many vegetarian meals before converting. So it should be no surprise that, while on a weekend trip to Asheville, NC, I picked up a vegetarian publication when I saw it in a free-newsletter format on a sidewalk
When I tell this story, the universal reaction from omnivores is “Aah! No! Stop there! I don’t want to know.” But I needed to know. We should all need to know. Part of what is enabling our current lifestyle is our separation from the suffering that occurs. These animals have the same basic life systems that humans do. They have nerve endings. They can experience fear, and pain. And if you think differently, well, frankly, you’re a fool. And you are wrong. Maybe you are in denial about the horrifying state of production. Perhaps you buy "free range," "organic," or another variety of ambiguous labeling and numb any guilt or curiousity by convincing yourself (incorrectly) that this is a sufficient improvement. Worst yet, maybe you just don’t care.
I care. I needed to know. Once I knew, I changed.
Since adopting the change I have also adopted a true belief in the value of my change. Not only is it better for the animals, it is better for the environment in ways too numerous to detail here. And it is better for me.
If you want to learn more, there are a wide variety of resources available to you. Among them, I highly recommend the book The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter by Peter Singer.
And now, for my part, here goes:
1) I get plenty of protein. I don’t have to work any harder at it than I did before – in fact, it’s easier! Where I once used to have to be sure I cooked and ate meat with one of my meals, I now have to make sure eat one of the numerous other protein sources. As noted in one online article, “You can get all the protein you need from plants: soy products, nuts and seeds, sprouts, green vegetables, and even quinoa” (
2) I don’t have to worry about getting the right mix of vitamins. If I eat a variety of foods (variety is the spice of life), then I get all the vitamins that I need.
3) I don’t eat a lot of tofu. Or salads.
And finally
4) No. I really don’t miss it.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Coming out
I'm a vegetarian.
I converted 12/17/06, though, truth be told, I had salmon once after that, and maybe ate something else meat-ish between 12/17 and the end of '06... But only a couple of times, and then I went... haha ha... "whole hog." Definitely no meat in 2007.
And, (side rant for a moment here) just in case some of you "vegetarians" were wondering - vegetarian, by definition, means no meat. If you only eat chicken? NOT a vegetarian. Only fish? Again... News flash... NOT vegetarian. You would a*maaaz*ed how many people have proudly let me know that they too are vegetarians. Except, of course, you know... For chicken (/fish/etc.).
Now, what I am NOT is vegan. I'm trying, but really! I love cheese. Really that's it. I can live without all the other stuff, maybe, if I have to. But cheese? Come on! And even the most avowed vegan will admit that vegan cheese isn't quite there yet.
So anyway, this is me coming out of the closet. I'm ready to commit. I'm a vegetarian.
But, for all you omnivores out there, this is a great read. If you have time, I encourage you to take a few minutes and look through all the responses too, there's some good stuff.
I apologize in advance for anyone that's been attacked by a rabid vegan. Like anything else, the people who are the most outspoken as representatives of anything may have a tendency to be intolerant and annoying, and (surprisingly, sadly) unable to participate in a courteous exchange of thoughts. BUT, that said, I truly believe the rabid XXX (insert belief they are rabid about here - food, religion, politics, etc.) people are the minority and you may or may not know about the rest because we tend to just go about quietly living our lives.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
One day.
Anyone who has had any tenuous success grabbing onto these theories is quick to share their importance, to push others to do the same, to preach the benefit of living moments in the ways we know we should, the ways we know we want to.
But it was there!!! Right there! It was beautiful. You’ve just got to know this feeling. You are on track. After having been a drooling observer from the sidelines for so long, you have finally driven the car. We must get it back. And we will. We will seize the day. We will execute our moral imperatives.
After this show.
When we finish dinner.
If we can save enough money.
Once we lose the weight.
If we can release the fear.
Once we stop procrastinating.
After we wake up and recognize our future.
and stop hiding and justifying our way out of our own potential.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I'm not Living with Ed yet
***** Hey, America - this guy isn't crazy, he's right. *****
In fact, he may be the only sane one out of all of us.
If you haven't watched An Inconvenient Truth yet, you need to watch it. I intended to go when it was in the theaters and didn't make it happen. I just watched it on Friday night.
First let me say that I went into watching it a bit reluctantly. What I mean to say is, I have definitely wanted to see it since it came out, but I had this notion that I had to watch it at the appropriate moment, being that it was sure to be dry and boring. I just knew that when the movie started I would have to be in the appropriate serious - and wide awake - mood. Suffice it to say that after a long day at work I wasn't sure how awake I was, but decided to "just do it."
This movie was no boring and dry presentation. I found it to be moving, motivational, charismatic... Effective. It made me want to buy 100 copies and leave them places with a stipulation note that says "to take, must watch and share."
All you crazy fools out there who think global warming is a government conspiracy (yeah, how does that work again?) - and though I'm not sure I can still claim you as friends I personally know some of you idiots - need to wake up and smell the atmosphere.
I'm glad I went vegetarian.
I'm glad I use compact fluorescents.
I'm glad I have an alternatively fueled vehicle.
I want to do more.
I need to do more.
I'm glad I'm not having children.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Tiny elephants!
JB always cracks on me because (on the rare occasion that I remember my dream) I have the craziest dreams. He’s just jealous.
So last night I dreamt I was flying just over the treetops, my feet dangling down below me like I was on some cool amusement ride. But it was even better because I could direct where I was going. Now, wait! That’s not even the cool part.
So I was looking down at the treetops as I skimmed by, and I noticed that on the top branches of one the trees (like he had somehow fallen there, maybe off the “ride”) was a tiny live elephant!
So I got really worried once I saw him, because he was stuck there and couldn’t get down. The little guy looked like he was in serious trouble. I knew that if I left him there, he’d either fall and get seriously hurt, or die of starvation. So, I directed my (? Let’s call it a hovercraft for lack of any knowledge of what the heck it was, it was like I was sitting in it with my feet hanging down and loose) “hovercraft” back over the tree and streeeetched down and scooped him up with my foot, and then gingerly transferred him to my hand. He was so tiny that he fit comfortably in the palm of my hand with room to spare. I could tell he was dehydrated and starving because his skin was all loose and hanging on him.
In my dream we now cut to me sitting down to dinner and looking at my plate of food to try to find something I can feed to the elephant… And guess what I finally gave him?! Tiny torn off bits of BROCCOLI! Isn’t that great?!
Of course, now queue JB, jumping out of bed like he was poked with a cattle prod, to answer his ringing cell phone (dream ends here).
Wouldn’t the tiny elephant be a great children’s book character? In my dream he was SOOO cool.
Ok, so maybe I’m nuts. Or maybe it’s some kind of Freudian message about my newfound vegetarianism (since 12/17).
It was a great dream though.