Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MiNd BoGgLiNg

OK... So it is utterly mind boggling to me that, here at my office, one of my coworkers would:

A) pick up off the printer, my printout I made of something that was sent only to me
B) review it in detail
C) make their updates/notes to said document, and then
D) take them back to the originator of the document (who, in case you didn't get this part, had sent it to me - only me - for my review)

and THEN.... Several hours later...

E) tell me about all of the above, and
F) pull out the stolen printout pages that they had tucked away to the side at their desk and
G) hand them to me

Can I just say...


Am I losing it, or is every. single. one. of these steps UNBELIEVABLE?!

I was so stunned I just didn't even know how to react!!!!!!!!!

And, while I'm sure I should have called her out on it, I DIDN'T!!!!


And they think *I'M* the freak.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ROTLF. Well. Uhm... That is funny eh.