Saturday, March 31, 2007

Is it stupid to be proud of chaining together "four whole days" of doing the right thing?

I guess you have to start somewhere. So you saw my last post, right? Well if you didn't, scroll down and start there. Day 2 I felt frikkin awesome all day (post-first workout), and followed through with another bout on the elliptical that evening, which already seemed to have gotten easier, by the way - time to ratchet up my level and rate.

Day 3 I "slacked off" in only doing the AB Ripper (or whatever other catchy name it is) on the Tony Horton Power 90 DVD, thanks to my coworker who recommended it ;). It's just a 10 minute program, but it keeps the ball rolling until I kick it up a notch... God I hate Emeril, by the way.

My ABs hurt all day yesterday. Oh.

OK, so I can't even be that proud. I did take yesterday off.

I went straight from the office to meet John out for dinner to have vegetarian fare at a place which that we'd never eaten at before, which I am going to highly recommend right now: Banaras. Departure from topic: It was YUMMY! I would recommend the dish I had but I have no idea what the heck it was called. Oh, here we go, I looked on their site. It was the "KAJU-PANEER MAKHWANA." Yeah, so, try looking away and remembering that 3 minutes from now. And yeah, there's no way that sucker was low fat. Boy, was it good. Their service was, shall we say... A bit slow. But far from the worst service I've had, and it was totally worth it.

Back to topic: So my pseudo-perceived day 4 was this morning when I got up and did my 30 minute Yoga Now workout. I'll do the elliptical later today.

I feel GOOD. You know how you do something for a while and you forget how good it makes you feel, you just sort of start to take it for granted? I didn't realize how good it feels to work out until I quit and started again. I'm here to tell you that 1 day after I got off my ass I felt GOOD. I felt able to think more clearly and quickly, I felt happy, and my body felt like I was finally waking up to what it is supposed to be doing (which, contrary to popular belief, is NOT simply supporting a flabby shell to enclose our life support systems while they rest in the La-Z-Boy so that our ocular devices can observe "television" and allow our minds to slowly deteriorate away). Wow!

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