OK, I'm ready. I'm coming out of the closet. Of course, I think everyone already knows, or suspects...
I'm a vegetarian.
I converted 12/17/06, though, truth be told, I had salmon once after that, and maybe ate something else meat-ish between 12/17 and the end of '06... But only a couple of times, and then I went... haha ha... "whole hog." Definitely no meat in 2007.
And, (side rant for a moment here) just in case some of you "vegetarians" were wondering - vegetarian, by definition, means no meat. If you only eat chicken? NOT a vegetarian. Only fish? Again... News flash... NOT vegetarian. You would a*maaaz*ed how many people have proudly let me know that they too are vegetarians. Except, of course, you know... For chicken (/fish/etc.).
Now, what I am NOT is vegan. I'm trying, but really! I love cheese. Really that's it. I can live without all the other stuff, maybe, if I have to. But cheese? Come on! And even the most avowed vegan will admit that vegan cheese isn't quite there yet.
So anyway, this is me coming out of the closet. I'm ready to commit. I'm a vegetarian.
But, for all you omnivores out there, this is a great read. If you have time, I encourage you to take a few minutes and look through all the responses too, there's some good stuff.
I apologize in advance for anyone that's been attacked by a rabid vegan. Like anything else, the people who are the most outspoken as representatives of anything may have a tendency to be intolerant and annoying, and (surprisingly, sadly) unable to participate in a courteous exchange of thoughts. BUT, that said, I truly believe the rabid XXX (insert belief they are rabid about here - food, religion, politics, etc.) people are the minority and you may or may not know about the rest because we tend to just go about quietly living our lives.
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