Monday, June 05, 2006

Bored with myself

Not posting much other than links to stuff = "I'm bored with myself."

Started sewing again yesterday. It's been about...ummm... let's see - the last things I made were baby clothes for my first nephew, who is now... wow... TWELVE! OK, so it's been a minute.

I keep thinking about designs I want to do; like 6 months ago, back around the time Memoir of a Geisha came out, I was thinking how I wanted to do some long tops with an obi-like wide belt. Of course, now it is in every magazine. And I saw a girl with a loose baggy shirt on (poof sleeves, little delicate ties at the neckline) and I thought out of the corner of my eye that it was a soft white asian cherry blossom pattern fabric, which I thought was awesome, but when I looked it was just a white bread white shirt... Another vision...

So anyway... I went shopping over the weekend for some things to make and went hog wild on fabrics. I have enough stuff now to make clothes for a small army. Or, well, for me to suit my clothes horse need for at least 6 months. Now to just keep the patience needed for all the cutting and pinning and crap to get the end product.

So, I'm almost done with my first shirt. It's awesome.

Garden is incredible, had a few cucumbers, lots of sugar snap peas, and some broccoli. The broccoli would have been extraordinarily delicious. *IF*. It hadn't been tainted by my discovery of a couple of cute little not-so-delicious steamed caterpillars on it in the middle of dinner. Aside: what's the old story?... Oh yeah... At least I didn't find HALF caterpillars. Um yeah. Blech.

And that's the story of how I learned about cabbage worms, and bacillus thuringiensis.

Tomatos are everywhere! But still green.

Lettuce planted, heirloom varieties... It's a little late and hotter than lettuce likes it, from what I hear, but we'll see.

1 comment:

Fionnix said...

Ohhhh. I didn't know you sewed too. I've got a closet full of delicious fabric, myself. It does take a lot of patience, but when you create something wonderful-- it's well worth it.

Lettuce and other leafy things like that want cold, not hot-- but, live and learn.

I was just thinking today how I miss having a garden.

Do you know how to make fried green tomatos? Umm, umm, yummy. Soon you'll be in 'mater sandwhiches up to your eyebrows. I'm jealous.

Let us know how the sewing goes.