Monday, August 22, 2005

More victims...

Three raccoons. They didn't all go together, either, which makes it sadder to me, a heavier rock in my stomach. One was on one side of the street, the other two were on the other, closer together. Were they waiting and looking for each other when the first didn't make it? Logically I know I must be attributing too much, but how do you explain the three? Far enough apart that no one car could have done it? This is how my mind works.


Anonymous said...

Poor raccoons.. cut down in their prime. Executed. Since one was on one side of the street and the other two on the other side of the street, maybe the one shot the other two and then turned the gun on himself?

There are far more important things to worry about in the world and the U.S. then how 3 raccoons ended up on the side of the road.

Anonymous said...

Raccoons kinda creep me out. A month or two ago I saw a raccoon near my garage. He was a huge bastard. I of course wanted to talk to him, and I promptly went inside to find some stale white bread for him. He looked at me suspiciously which made me look at him suspiciously. I then thought he should go fuck himself. I do feel lousy when I see death on the side of the road. Part of me wants to take a picture of it.

As for whether or not it is important to dwell on the death of the raccoon eh... I think we mourn them in our own seperate ways...

Such a troll.

C-rella said...

I would look at you suspiciously too if you tried to feed me stale white bread.