Monday, August 15, 2005


Does anyone else find it ironic that Toyota chose to name their biggest and most environmentally unfriendly vehicle after an endangered species of tree (Sequoia)?!

Leaf turned over this week: Work to become more overarchingly environmentally friendly (not just the things that are convenient for me to adopt). I encourage everyone to turn this leaf over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes.. the mighty Sequoia. Poor things are so scarce that you can barely find any.... no wait.. there are acres upon actres of forests full of Sequoias. Poor trees being cut down in their primes never to be seen... no wait... the forestry department mandates that for every tree cut down, 2-5 trees must be replanted... hhhmmmm... guess they are not endangered after all.

Oh yeah.. they can't be endangered because trees are a RENEWABLE resource. Maybe Toyota chose the name because it means strength or power or because it is just a good name.