Friday, August 19, 2005

I saw God tonight

I saw God tonight.

This was not the zealous southern Baptist's ("you're going straight to hell if you're not one of us") God. Not the Catholic circle of guilt and forgiveness for any crazy ass thing God. Not even the laid back "I don't know what I am, but Buddhism seems cool" god (I'm sorry, but no way is that godzilla cockroach that flies a reincarnation of my great great aunt Mathilda).

This was MY god.

In the form of the most breathtaking and majestic sunset and sky I have ever seen.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... sunsets are bueatiful and wonderus things. That said since you have taken it upon yourself to bash other people's gods, I shall return the favor. God is described as an entity or being that is worshiped by people or followers so your sunset sure as hell can't be a god. Unless you are a worshiper of a sun god, for example Ra, in which you would worship him and not the sunset.

God is also usually attributed to divine intervention or unexplaned things. A sunset is well documented. A little blue ball called earth rotates around a large hydrogen bomb called the sun. The blue ball spins causing the bomb to "rise" and "set". The dirt and polution (GASP!!) in the air is hit by the light from this bomb and gives off a pretty visual effect.

What you saw may be described by some as "spiritual", but it sure as hell is not God, not even A god. I think I will stick with the GOD. I would chose my words more carefully in the future and I bet you would avoid flames like this one.

C-rella said...

As someone who has the utmost belief in and respect for God, I feel it appropriate to provide a limited response to this attack by someone who clearly knows nothing about me. I definitely struggled with this because, damn it, I don't have to defend myself or my statements on my own blog. But, I do retain a small concern that someone I actually like or respect might read this comment and then, by virtue of having read this blatant misinterpretation, adopt a similarly tainted and incorrect perception.
In case no one else noticed this, I am not bashing anyone's God. My statements are related to my frustration with the lack of an organized religion that I feel I can completely align myself with. I have experienced difficulties in finding the true representations of God in the institutions based on men's interpretations of him. I have stated only some of my very specific objection/concerns with three of them, to give a sampling.

But yet and still, God reminds me that he exists, in things like sunsets. He is not the sunset, but it is a manifestation of his power and beauty.