Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm a hypocrite

OK, I admit it. Passed a dead opossum on the way home, just stared at the bits and pieces in morbid fascination. Where were the tears for this victim? Yeah, I'm a hypocrite, what can I say?

I'm trying to grow here, people.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Compost Bin Exterior

Compost Bin Interior

A few key facts from America's Environmental Report Card

- The United States, with less than 5% of the world's population, consumes 25% of the earth's energy resources, mostly fossil fuels.

- The amount of solid waste each American generated each day increased by 70% between 1960 and 2000, from 2.7 pounds per person to 4.5 pounds per person.

- Americans generate about twice the amount (of solid waste) per capita generated by other industrialized countries such as Germany, France, or Japan.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Recommended reading

America's Environmental Report Card (Are we making the grade?) by Harvey Blatt. Available within the Gwinnett Library system (not sure about the rest of ya'll).

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sustainable C-rella Project

I've started to recycle a lot more stuff now that I am on this sustainable kick. I am fortunate enough to have a recycling service pickup as part of my trash service, which I really appreciate. I had always recycled the obvious things like bottles, aluminum cans, and newspapers, but once I started looking I realized that a lot of the containers used to provide other products are also recyclable! So, now I always look all over the container to see if I see the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle logo. I'm going to have to look into whether it is mandated it be printed on anything recyclable or whether it is up to the company that makes the product whether or not they put the logo on there. There have been a couple of things I didn't find the logo on that I suspect to be recyclable.... More to come as I get more info.

Between recycling more things and composting stuff, I think I could probably reduce my "solid waste" output by quite a lot!

Maybe I'll do an experiment where one week I'll keep track of the overall volumes of everything I used to throw away but now reuse for comparison. I could have a "composting" bag and a "recycling" bag and then track those volumes along with the "solid waste" volume, while removing from the equation anything that I've always known to recycle.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

This weekend, assembly of the compost bin

Did you know that cotton, vegetables, paper, and bunches of other stuff can be composted and converted into mulch? I checked a great book out from the library that gives all the details. There's also a web page with instructions on converting a trash can into a composting bin.

Interesting facts

o If just 25% of U.S. families used 10 fewer plastic bags a month, we would save over 2.5 BILLION bags a year.
o On the average, the 140 million cars in America are estimated to travel almost 4 billion miles in a day, and according to the Department of Transportation, they use over 200 million gallons of gasoline doing it.
o Every year we throw away 24 million tons of leaves and grass. Leaves alone account for 75% of our solid waste in the fall.
o Over 100 pesticide ingredients are suspected to cause birth defects, cancer, and gene mutations.
o Every ton of recycled office paper saves 380 gallons of oil.
o About 1% of U.S. landfill space is full of disposable diapers, which take 500 years to decompose.
o Energy saved from one recycled aluminum can will operate a TV set for 3 hours, and is the equivalent to half a can of gasoline.
o Glass produced from recycled glass instead of raw materials reduces related air pollution by 20%, and water pollution by 50%.
o Americans use 50 million tons of paper annually -- consuming more than 850 million trees.
o Homeowners use up to 10 times more toxic chemicals per acre than farmers.
o By turning down your central heating thermostat one degree, fuel consumption is cut by as much as 10%.
o Insulating your attic reduces the amount of energy loss in most houses by up to 20%.
o Enough glass was thrown away in 1990 to fill the Twin Towers (1,350 feet high) of New York's World Trade Center every two weeks.
o One ton of carbon dioxide that is released in the air can be prevented by replacing every 75 watt light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs.
o Many banks lent large sums of money to developing nations. In order to pay those debts plus interest many nations have turned to the mining of their natural resources as a source of financial aid.
o Every day 40,000 children die from preventable diseases.
o The public transportation that we have is a wreck. The U.S. continues to promote and invest in private car travel rather than public transportation.
o The human population of the world is expected to be nearly tripled by the year 2100.
o A three percent annual growth rate will result in the doubling of consumption and production of food and other products in 25 short years. The amount of motor vehicles that are expected to be operated will increase 15 million a year until at least 2010.
o The world's per capita grain production has been on the downfall since 1985 despite the use of fertilizers and pesticides.
o Already a train system has been developed (back in 1987) which is based on magnetic levitation and causes minimal pollution. These versions of a train are already in use in several countries.
o Fibre optics, made of glass, are being used to replace copper cables throughout the world.
o The uncontrolled fishing that is allowed has reduced the amount of commercial species. Some species, up to one-tenth of their original population.
o Every day 50 to 100 species of plants and animals become extinct as their habitat and human influences destroy them.


And, by the way, what's up with my consistent use of the ellipsis in my blog titles? Like you didn't know there was any more to read without it "..."?! Ew.

Sorry to do this...

Well, I'm sorry to do this. I wasn't going to, because unlike some people (a.k.a. Butt Munch), I was going to be woman enough to leave my blog open to everyone's comments, including cowardly crappy ones. But, since someone (BM?) has since elected to add a bunch of fake comment posts to my blog with links to shit that I don't feel it necessary to expose everyone to (and god knows, they are probably web viruses anyway - I deleted them or took out the links), I am making my blog so that it will no longer accept anonymous comments.

08-25 7:55 pm
UPDATE: I think that the comment I had previously on my "Dear Anonymous" post about sending me the information of their blog was causing me to be picked up for every spam comment post with a link. Therefore, in an experiment, I am making it so that anyone can comment again to see if my removal of said comment, resolves the issue (though I suppose I must concede that it won't prevent right wing asshole fundamentalist Christians that don't believe in freedom of speech from commenting on my blog).

And, last note---
Dear BM (hope you don't mind if I assign you an endearing nickname),

Don't like it? Don't read it.
Thanks. Have a nice day. And, oh yeah. Bite me.

Dear Anonymous

Dear Anonymous (a.k.a. Butt Munch),

Thanks for all your nasty comments! I really appreciate the way you try to totally denigrate everything I've had to say. Now let me take a moment on your education. I know, I know, I shouldn't waste my time trying to educate someone that isn't really smart enough to "get it," but let's face it, I'm an optimist. Here's the facts: if your opinions had one leg to stand on, you would back up all your crappy smack talk with your name or email address.

I often think that the true incarnation of the evil in this world is all the hatred people are filled with. You are obviously just another incarnation. I pity you. I hope you forgive yourself. More importantly, I hope you forgive whoever you think "did this to you" since you are almost certainly an "I'm a victim of others" personality type (I'm a huge failure and it's all someone else's fault, really... !!! Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that.).

And, you to have so woefully misinterpreted so much of what I have said, its obvious you don't know me.

Therefore, bite me.
Have a nice day!


P.S. If you ever decide you have something meaningful to say (instead of just parading your cowardice by remaining anonymous and shitting all over other people) I recommend you set up your very own blog. Its free, you know. Sort of like "free speech."

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I question the professionalism of...

I question the professionalism (and sanity) of anyone that uses the phrase "yippee kay yo kay yay" (spell how you will - you know what I mean) on a conference call. This is the administrator with one of my clients, stated not once, but twice (!) on a conference call with 10-20 people, including their client and multiple vendors. WTF is she thinking?!

Monday, August 22, 2005

More victims...

Three raccoons. They didn't all go together, either, which makes it sadder to me, a heavier rock in my stomach. One was on one side of the street, the other two were on the other, closer together. Were they waiting and looking for each other when the first didn't make it? Logically I know I must be attributing too much, but how do you explain the three? Far enough apart that no one car could have done it? This is how my mind works.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Post Secret

I think some of these came from me.

Friday, August 19, 2005

I saw God tonight

I saw God tonight.

This was not the zealous southern Baptist's ("you're going straight to hell if you're not one of us") God. Not the Catholic circle of guilt and forgiveness for any crazy ass thing God. Not even the laid back "I don't know what I am, but Buddhism seems cool" god (I'm sorry, but no way is that godzilla cockroach that flies a reincarnation of my great great aunt Mathilda).

This was MY god.

In the form of the most breathtaking and majestic sunset and sky I have ever seen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Do you think it would be better to switch to Germ-X and just cease "washing" hands and use Germ-X instead? This seems a little yucky to me at first thought, but my aunt-in-law nurse said these products do work to kill germs and are used in hospitals. Making this change would do three things, where my little hand towel only does one of them... Using Germ-X (or brand X of it) instead of washing hands would:

1) reduce water consumption, and energy to push the water
2) reduce contaminants going into the sewers (soaps)
3) reduce waste of paper towels to dry hands

I am not sure if I am quite there yet, will have to mull this one a bit more. Maybe alternate washing and Germ-Xing... Or something...

Sustainable C-rella Project Day 1

Thanks to sustainable girl and my husband for finding and sending me her website for this one.

Brought a small towel in to work today and will be doing so going forward, to use to dry my hands in the bathroom instead of the wasteful paper towels.

I also have a couple of "ambiance" lighting items on my desk that are just, well, sadly, an energy sap. Turned them off and will probably be bringing them home and donating or selling them since they are purposeless except to use energy. Why resell or redistribute the energy sap instead of destroying it? Well, other folks are sure to continue to consume such things whether I choose to participate in it or not, and it's better for me to try to recycle them than to send them off to the pile of garbage at the landfill - they're not going to just disappear, they'll still exist somewhere, so someone (else) might as well enjoy them. Torn on this, but there is no "good" answer, if only I had never purchased them to begin with.

But, if we begin at all it is better than never beginning! So, I begin today. Welcome to the future!

Monday, August 15, 2005


Does anyone else find it ironic that Toyota chose to name their biggest and most environmentally unfriendly vehicle after an endangered species of tree (Sequoia)?!

Leaf turned over this week: Work to become more overarchingly environmentally friendly (not just the things that are convenient for me to adopt). I encourage everyone to turn this leaf over.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


It is sad to me to see how we all end up being our own 20 or 30 somethings with the same sad myopia tunnel vision of what our parents did to shape us. I always said that, no matter what, they wouldn't be the basis of who I am, who I was, or what I will be, and yet I look around and see we are all, inevitably, linked to this sad and damaging experience that was our youth, and (mostly by default) was our parenting and upbringing. I would like to think we move beyond, that we move above and can separate ourselves, but even as I hope for and want to believe in these things, I continue to circle back to the disappointments and damages of my childhood. Those people are gone now, though my father lives on, the being and person that he was in my youth exists no more (what I didn't realize is that his personality was being damaged then too, a self-fulfilling circle of negativity all in the family). My mother is gone. I have no recourse, and truly, I want no recourse. I am stuck like a damaged record in the negative groove of memory that was my childhood. How to release it? How to release myself? Remembrance does not allow forgiveness. Forgetfulness I have tried. Where do the ties break? I want to own these things, if only so that I can take them into the darkness of my heart and then find a way to let them go.