Saturday, March 31, 2007

Is it stupid to be proud of chaining together "four whole days" of doing the right thing?

I guess you have to start somewhere. So you saw my last post, right? Well if you didn't, scroll down and start there. Day 2 I felt frikkin awesome all day (post-first workout), and followed through with another bout on the elliptical that evening, which already seemed to have gotten easier, by the way - time to ratchet up my level and rate.

Day 3 I "slacked off" in only doing the AB Ripper (or whatever other catchy name it is) on the Tony Horton Power 90 DVD, thanks to my coworker who recommended it ;). It's just a 10 minute program, but it keeps the ball rolling until I kick it up a notch... God I hate Emeril, by the way.

My ABs hurt all day yesterday. Oh.

OK, so I can't even be that proud. I did take yesterday off.

I went straight from the office to meet John out for dinner to have vegetarian fare at a place which that we'd never eaten at before, which I am going to highly recommend right now: Banaras. Departure from topic: It was YUMMY! I would recommend the dish I had but I have no idea what the heck it was called. Oh, here we go, I looked on their site. It was the "KAJU-PANEER MAKHWANA." Yeah, so, try looking away and remembering that 3 minutes from now. And yeah, there's no way that sucker was low fat. Boy, was it good. Their service was, shall we say... A bit slow. But far from the worst service I've had, and it was totally worth it.

Back to topic: So my pseudo-perceived day 4 was this morning when I got up and did my 30 minute Yoga Now workout. I'll do the elliptical later today.

I feel GOOD. You know how you do something for a while and you forget how good it makes you feel, you just sort of start to take it for granted? I didn't realize how good it feels to work out until I quit and started again. I'm here to tell you that 1 day after I got off my ass I felt GOOD. I felt able to think more clearly and quickly, I felt happy, and my body felt like I was finally waking up to what it is supposed to be doing (which, contrary to popular belief, is NOT simply supporting a flabby shell to enclose our life support systems while they rest in the La-Z-Boy so that our ocular devices can observe "television" and allow our minds to slowly deteriorate away). Wow!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The elliptical

Tonight I finally got off of my ass and got on to the elliptical machine. I've been telling myself (and others, when they ask) that I need to... I do need to. I don't want to be that person. I've never been that person, and I definitely am not about to start now. You know, the person that says "I really should..." "One of these days I'm going to..." "I know doing (insert thing not being done here) would make me (circle one: feel better, have a better relationship, happier, live longer, more successful)..."

We use the crutches we can, whichever ones we can live with. For me, it was the challenge of being vegetarian and trying to restrict my diet to lose those last few pounds. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Vegetarianism (*sigh* OK, I admit it) is kind of hard enough.*

So I stopped trying to juggle both - I believe in my vegetarianism more. I believe it is of the utmost importance, and I will NOT back down on it because it's "too hard." Not going to happen. So, in the trade-off, I backed off "points" and documenting every bite of every type of food.

And I know the truth. The truth is, there's another option. You can count... Or you can work. Counting seemed easier at first, but wasn't working for me. And I've allowed my denial about the alternative.

Enough. No more pretty lies. I'm not that person, damn it.

And, I've earned the right to say, I am *definitely* not that person today. Day 1.

*I do believe that everyone could go largely ("semi") vegetarian, and eat meat only once or maybe twice a week, and be no worse for wear. I believe that everyone should make better decisions about where their food comes from, and (if you elect to remain an omnivore) choose humane sources, and not only support but fight for humane practices. That soap box is for another day.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy,the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named Bush, Dick, and Colon.

--Comedian Chris Rock

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MiNd BoGgLiNg

OK... So it is utterly mind boggling to me that, here at my office, one of my coworkers would:

A) pick up off the printer, my printout I made of something that was sent only to me
B) review it in detail
C) make their updates/notes to said document, and then
D) take them back to the originator of the document (who, in case you didn't get this part, had sent it to me - only me - for my review)

and THEN.... Several hours later...

E) tell me about all of the above, and
F) pull out the stolen printout pages that they had tucked away to the side at their desk and
G) hand them to me

Can I just say...


Am I losing it, or is every. single. one. of these steps UNBELIEVABLE?!

I was so stunned I just didn't even know how to react!!!!!!!!!

And, while I'm sure I should have called her out on it, I DIDN'T!!!!


And they think *I'M* the freak.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Please take action

Global climate change is not a Democratic or Republican problem, it is not an American problem; it is a human problem.

Even if you are a skeptic about whether global climate change is real, or whether it is being caused by humans.... You have a choice - do something that is good, or do something that is bad. There are changes you can incorporate that require very little effort on your part and virtually no sacrifice of quality of living.

Instead of asking me to justify the facts behind why I am doing something, ask yourself for the justification for why you are not.