OK, had to fill up the diesel tank today - last time I filled it was 01/13/06. I got 1121.4 miles on "one" tank of diesel - supplemented by who knows how many refills of the vegetable oil tank in the trunk. But, since the diesel costs me aprx. $2.50/gallon and the vegetable oil costs me about $.70/gallon, I think it's a pretty good story.
Also, since its winter it takes longer for the engine to heat up, which impacts when I can switch over to run on the veg oil. In summer I'll probably get much further. Heck, when it's really warm I could leave it set to run on veg oil only.
Vegemobile diaries, chapter 2: Filled up tank 02/08/06. 10.997 gallons, $2.499/gallon @ $27.48.
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Assuming 30 miles per gallon (which is low), that works out to around 23 galons of WVO @ $.070 a gallon.
Cost per mile : $0.04 vs $0.10 on straight diesel.
At current prices, a savings of $41.
Yes. As I said before. You rock the mostest.
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