Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Anonymous comments are bullshi*, man.

Not anything really related to my site, but just my general reaction to anyone that posts comments anonymously on somebody else's site. It's bullshi*, man. Either have the balls and conviction to stand by your usually 'righteous indignation' 'moral superiority complex' statement - show that you are at least willing to try to back it up, and at the very least you stand by it - or just keep that crap to yourself. By virtue of your unwillingness to put your signature on it, you already know it's weak, or biased, or both.

1 comment:

Fionnix said...

I love you.

*bats eyelashes*

Though, I do admit that I post anonymously on occassion because I'm too lazy to sign in. But, I usually sign my name... that counts, right?

You rock.
