Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Here I built up all this dread...

And she was really nice about it.


I asked for my stuff back.... I went by to mention it to her, but (as I secretly breathe a sigh of relief) she had stepped out so I sent it in an email, tagged onto a work question.

Now I feel icky. There's really no nice way to say "hey, do you mind giving me my stuff back???"

Now, why should I have to feel icky after I did something nice?!?! Blech.

That'll teach me.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Never a borrower nor a lender be.

I hate loaning stuff out. I always end up saying I'll never do it again, but of course, I want to be a nice person, a good friend, etc. I just never learn. People are crappy and inconsiderate borrowers, and me being the nice non-confrontational person that I am, I always end up feeling like I've been taken advantage of.

Now, don't get me wrong, I admit it - I myself have been the crappy borrower before. The difference is, I realized that I was WRONG, and I've since turned over a new leaf. Nowadays, I just don't borrow stuff from people - the simplest way to avoid any bad borrower/lender situations. On the very few occasions that I actually do borrow something, I will make it a point to follow my rules of borrowing etiquette.

I'm married to a bad borrower, who borrowed some gear (granted, from one of his best friends) and didn't return it for months afterwards. I asked him about it a couple of times in the weeks immediately after we got back, and basically got a "mind your own business, it's not a problem" attitude. Boy was JB surprised when, after so many months, his friend finally had to break down and ask for his own stuff back (see my rules below). JB had forgotten he even had it! Of course, I knew exactly where it was all along - it being a somewhat sensitive topic for me after so many bad experiences. And then (!) he actually MAILED the stuff back !! Not following rule # 5 at all. Guess what?! Yep, the package arrived damaged, with half the stuff missing. I don't know if he followed rule # 6 yet or not, and that all transpired a couple of months ago. If not, maybe a nice gift certificate to a sporting goods store (or a joint shopping trip, more fun & personal), given ASAP, would be in order...?

I have this friend at work, I loaned her about $200 worth of snowboarding gear for a trip she took at the beginning of February. She's not following the rules. Maybe she'll see my website and get the hint. Now, she hasn't broken all the rules... YET. If she doesn't return my stuff to me tomorrow, I'm going to be forced to do all the stuff I shouldn't have to, and her credibility will be GONE (it's already going... going...). Funny, she's always the one pointing out other people's etiquette faux pas or behavioral quirks. I thought for sure she knew the borrowing etiquette rules, which is why I even loaned her the stuff to begin with. Huh.

Borrowing Etiquette 101

Borrowing Etiquette Rule # 1: If you borrow something for a particular purpose (i.e. a snowboarding weekend), return the borrowed materials within 1 week after you are done with them.

Borrowing Etiquette Rule # 2: If you should, for some reason, fail to be able to follow Rule # 1, tell the loaning party when they can expect to get the stuff back from you.

Borrowing Etiquette Rule # 3: If rules # 1 and # 2 above are followed, this rule would not need to exist - the loaning party should never, never (NEVER.) have to ask the borrower when they will get their stuff back, and if they can have it back.

Borrowing Etiquette Rule # 4: If rules 1 & 2 are broken, and Rule # 3 actually has to come into play, and the lending party is asking for their stuff back (after the understood 1 week grace period), they DO NOT have to have a reason or explanation for asking for their own property back from you.

Borrowing Etiquette Rule # 5: If, the lending party is finally forced by your poor borrowing habits to finally have to ask for their own stuff back, return the goods immediately. Even if it means going out of your way to do so.

Borrowing Etiquette Rule # 6: This one is hopefully the one everyone already knows - return the items in as good condition as they were when you borrowed them. If not, make it right.

What did that Chinese calendar thing say? "They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues?" Yeah. OK. You got me, there is a point there. But really, are my rules wrong?? Seriously.

Friday, February 17, 2006

It's my year !!!

According to the Chinese Zodiac, at least. (put on your high pitched new joisey gangsta accent:) Yeah... I was born in 1982... Yeah...

I actually think this description of my personality (courtesy of) is pretty spot-on:

Year of the Dog

1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, and inspire other people's confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth, yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dog people make good leaders. They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit.

Ms. Nasty Pants

There is this person at our office who, for whatever reason, refuses to flush the toilet. And sometimes, on special occasions, she even leaves a spray of lovely lemon yellow piss on the toilet seat as a little added bonus for whoever discovers the bowl of joy.

Now, I am in the process of trying to be a kinder and gentler C-Rella. I am trying to move away from my center of intolerance and move to a center of love, if you will. But, sometimes I can't help it. I just have to say it.

What the hell is wrong with people?!

Perhaps it is a (VERY, VERY) misguided effort at water conservation. Now, I'm all on board for some conservation efforts. Not flushing the toilet? Not one of them.

I am a non-confrontational person, and I have only once had direct evidence of the culprit as she tried to make her hasty exit from the scene of the crime. Fortunately there was another concerned citizen present at the time who called her on it (at which time said culprit tried to play it off as some type of urinary amnesia). I've accumulated a vast array of circumstantial evidence which supports a my single-party offender theory, such as the party in question being in the bathroom brushing her teeth at the time I arrive to discover the bowl of joy, as it happened this morning.

Suggestions on dealing with this nasty ass person, please?????

Help me, help all of us.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

P.S. (Response to Anonymous)

So I got a comment (through my comment filter, I might note) from "Anonymous" that said "yet you allow anonymous comments."

Yeah. You may have noticed, anonymous, no, actually I don't. Ya phucking coward.

I allow people to submit comments for my review under the comment submittal selection "anonymous," because I don't want to force people to sign up for blogger, or create some other type of online "identity" that they may or may not want. I do, however, expect you to put your signoff at the bottom of your comment if you elect to use this option.

So, for all of you anonymous voyeuristic passive agressive smack talkers out there... Get back to me when you're willing to sign your name to your witty yet acerbic rhetoric. Oh wait, that's my rhetoric. Yours is the irrelevant, unsubstantiated one.

Anonymous comments are bullshi*, man.

Not anything really related to my site, but just my general reaction to anyone that posts comments anonymously on somebody else's site. It's bullshi*, man. Either have the balls and conviction to stand by your usually 'righteous indignation' 'moral superiority complex' statement - show that you are at least willing to try to back it up, and at the very least you stand by it - or just keep that crap to yourself. By virtue of your unwillingness to put your signature on it, you already know it's weak, or biased, or both.

Vegemobile update

OK, had to fill up the diesel tank today - last time I filled it was 01/13/06. I got 1121.4 miles on "one" tank of diesel - supplemented by who knows how many refills of the vegetable oil tank in the trunk. But, since the diesel costs me aprx. $2.50/gallon and the vegetable oil costs me about $.70/gallon, I think it's a pretty good story.

Also, since its winter it takes longer for the engine to heat up, which impacts when I can switch over to run on the veg oil. In summer I'll probably get much further. Heck, when it's really warm I could leave it set to run on veg oil only.

Vegemobile diaries, chapter 2: Filled up tank 02/08/06. 10.997 gallons, $2.499/gallon @ $27.48.

Monday, February 06, 2006


I love that Picasa2 can make my Tuesday Morning Sunrise shots look like a great Japanese print

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Satisfied am I
Yet times it seems I'd sell my soul
For some sad carnie's vision ---
A look into my future.

And what I'd find? Some vision -
where what we see today
and all the things we might have seen
meld into the best
of all possible realities

yet then escape us

an easing into the full day
from the surreal glorious sunrise
the world remains

still pink around the edges

As if to remind us
those visions --- they were there.