Now, if you know me you know I take myself just too damn seriously. I can't help it. I try not to. I'm just not a super lighthearted chick about digs, its because I am introspective and self-judgemental to the point of peeling back my own layers even though I'm screaming in internal pain and shame. I just can't take the shit from other people because it feeds me more nails to hammer up under my own fingernails later, again and again. I relive my incompetence and general ineffectiveness and life impotence. again. and again. and again.
But, with that said, a note: I'm going to venture down this way overly serious path about a little bullshit topic. NOTE: This topic REALLY doesn't bother me as much as it might seem like it does, but I'm writing on it, just because, well, I haven't had shit else to write about and this one had the gears turning for a minute, so I thought, what the hell? Why not slap it up on this pointless blog of mine that exists in a damn cyberspace vaccum and serves only my own myopic apathetic view of the world? Sounds great! At least it will be a placeholder.
So, I have this friend that has said I look like this particular (2nd rate wanna be) actress. It really bothers me because I personally think this person is pretty damn hideous looking. My friend, however, thinks that making (and continuing to by inference) this comparison is no big deal, because they think that she is not bad looking.
Here's the conversation (or at least the way it happened in my mind:
All friends: What you eating? Oh, here's what I'm eating, here's what's in it, blah blah blah boring shit... blah blah blah funny shit... blah blah blah
(out of the blue)
Friend 1: Hey, you know today is (large-nostrilled thin lipped big toothed weird head shaped wack job) actress' birthday?
Me: How is that relevant?
Friend 1: Well, you know, I'm just saying.
Friend 2: What are you guys talking about?
Friend 1: C-rella here doesn't like Actress.
Me: I'm just saying, out of all the people I've been told I look like, I think she's the LEAST attractive.
Friend 2: Well, you do sort of have that crazy thing going (like Actress).
Me: Grrrrrrrrreaaat... Gets better and better.
So, the question is, the insult is in the eye of the beholder, right? I mean, if I thought you look like some really butt ugly person but someone I like because they have this great, redeeming, funny personality, should I tell you that shit? Hey, you know you look like Butt Ugly? What? You're insulted? No, get over that shit! Really, they're nice, I like them, I mean they're cute in a "I'm so hideous I'm really kind of cute" sort of way.
Deep thoughts.! Ha! Just the track my brain was following, and I decided that instead of deciding it was too damn boring and not entertaining enough to be worthy to post, here ya go. Nothin but top quality fodder from the mind of yours truly.