Tuesday, August 22, 2006

For Rhi

I miss your posts, your frequent rants; your personality that was once there for us all... Come back. Don't let Pablo's offer lock you into a forum you can't tap, I'm sure he'd agree, find what works for you and don't let an uncomfortable format be the thing that stifles your voice to the world. In friendship is love and support and understanding, not the least of which is the ability to accept and let each other go in the directions that fit us best. Nuff Said.

Saw these shots of Burning Man and thought of you. Going to the Gorge next Thursday for DMB, it will be an experience... I'm ecstatic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dahlin'.

I have, actually, thought about changing from Pablo's site to something else because the format does frustrate me... but, it only frustrates me because I'm too busy to spend time learning about it. I'm sure it's easy.

I posted today, though.

Thank you for thinking of me!

I've missed the whole deal and am getting back in gear.

Love and hugs,