Friday, May 19, 2006

Affirmations of a moron.

There are a lot of titles that have various connotations, like "queen."

There's "queen" - as in, referring to the 5 guys on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy as "5 queens" (on the commercial, in contrast to Kathy Griffin's "and a joker").

Then there's "drama queen," we all know one of these...

I, sadly, am the TMI queen. Or, if you prefer, Verbal Diarrhea Queen.

And, btw, who the hell first spelled diar"RH"ea and put it forever in the dictionary with the fubar spelling?! Just a few short chapters before ras"P"berries. Oops. Um... Yeah. Case in point.

So, yeah, I have this (bad?) habit of spitting out WAAAAY more information than anyone really needs. It is my sad attempt to participate in some way in the conversation, unfortunately it is usually with totally inappropriate and unecessary content.

The mental dialogue usually goes something like this: "Uh oh, someone is actually TALKING. To ME. I don't have my witty, outgoing, ready to talk to people hat on right now (which is usually only ready if I am initiating the contact and have time to prep myself for human interaction).... What should I do????! ((((PANIC!!!!!)))) I know, I'll fill the space with spastic behavior and inappropriate information!"
And then:
"Oh no. Now everyone is awkwardly uncomfortable (including me, but I was to begin with)... Okaaay.... I am going to bow my head in embarassment and slink away now......"


Yes. Just in case there may have been any final lingering doubt (or hope)... It's confirmed. I am a moron.


Fionnix said...

Bah. Are not!

Next time I'm in Atlanta, lets lunch-- or something-- and we can have Verbal Diarrhea together.

... going to correct my spelling of RasPberries right now. Gets me every time.

C-rella said...

Oh, I would LOVE to lunchorsomething!!!! :)

I think you are on the way to Blacksburg, VA (home of the VA Tech Hokies) from here, JB and I usually go up once a season to catch a game... Maybe we could catch up on one of those trips (but then there's the whole weird S.O. that you don't know in the picture thing happening there, so maybe not as fun)...

But anyway - yes, let's!!!!

Fionnix said...

Bah! Lunch or something!! S.O., too. I can behave in mixed company. Soommmeeetimes. Heh. Let's do it. GOOOOOO Hokies. Er. Waaaaaarrrr Eagle. HEY!