Monday, January 30, 2006

Dam*it, Janet.

Of course, the Hike for Discovery is the same week as my already booked trip to Hawaii. OK, so there is just no room in my heart to regret going to Hawaii, but I am a bit disappointed to lose this opportunity for 06. Guess I'll have to plan the hike for next year! And participate in the Light the Night walk as per the norm to contribute for this year.

So, if you want to contribute to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society (GREAT cause) to help raise funds with me, please click here!

Riders on the storm... part deux

Riding lessons resume this Saturday (albeit at a different stable, with a different, hopefully adult, trainer).

I am more than a little thrilled.


Signs Signs
Everywhere there's signs
F*ing up the scenery
Breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that
Can't you read the sign

rizzo jpeg
You are Rizzo the Rat.
You have few friends, but are loyal to those you do have. Maybe if you didn't smell like sewage you would have more.

Rodentia Digesta Lotta Grub

Brooklyn, USA

"Rat On A Hot Tin Roof"

"The Pest Is Yet To Come"

You got it, I'll eat it.

See "Favorite Food".

"When do we eat?"

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Stupidity... Contagious? Yes, or "D, all of the above"?

So I keep hearing this commercial on my Sirius Martha Stewart channel for some type of life insurance that "pays out even if you don't die."

OK, we're all friends right? Be honest with me. Are some of you not dying out there? You can tell me.

On a related note... I am intrigued by the newest vampire movie out (I have no clue what it is called). In fact, I am intrigued by vampire movies in general. Something ferocious sexy about those teeth. One of my favorite halloween costumes a few years back was when I put on my skin tight leopard skin pants (same ones I wore to the Judas Priest concert in the 80's... that's not creepy, is it?), wore a black top, lightened up my skin, spiked my hair and put in the vampire teeth (the good ones, not the cheesy full mouth ones), and was just sort of a punk rock vampire.

((( Mentally sing to the "wanna be a cow-boy" music:))) I wanna be a vam-pire....

No... It's not 'dumb ass,' it's 'Duumaahss'........... Andre Dumas...

Waah waah waah. Let me just say that. People are idiots. How many times (how many, really?!) do I have to ask for the SAME information? And, YES, I tried asking in several, several, very very nice ways. Again. And again.

I asked last week (request 1). I asked again Monday (request 2 - stated differently in CASE there was some possible confusion). Again on Wednesday morning (ummm.... I REALLY need the information, y'know, gotta do this little, er, "respond to the CLIENT" thing here???!!! And, you know, not to rush you or anything, but yeah, by the way, they're not only a hair club customer, they're also the president, so to speak?????!!!). Hellloooooooo......

Response - yesterday morning, mind you: "Oh, yeah. OK, I'll get that back to you by COB today."

Guess what ? !

Yep! No response. . . . . ! ! WTF?!

And, this isn't some "I don't know any better" peon, this is somebody who's a lot higher up on the food chain than me. I know, I must annoy them, nipping at their heels all the time.

Pisses me off. I know that some people create work just to have work. Believe me when I say that I do not. I DO NOT ask for things in a vacuum, just cause I can.


So there you go. Yes, I'll have some cheese with that whine, please.


WHY am I being inundated with idiocy this morning? More to follow tonight. Blech.

Get a brain, people. Work with me. No, not you. YOU.

Ha. :P

Friday, January 20, 2006

So true.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Shot # 2

Lovely Tuesday morning sunrise from the back deck.

Monday, January 16, 2006



So I am in love with some of their shoes ("classic," above, is awesome).

But really, who has almost $300 to drop on SHOES?! And some of their shit is a little too Cirque du Soleil. But, anyhoo some of it I do love.

It's your birthday...

Well, actually it's MY birthday. Or, it's about to be. And, I already got a great gift trifecta! ! ! ! !! Yippee!!

First, sweet love of my life JB got me a new CAR STEREO ! ! ! You have no idea how BIG it is to upgrade from the stock VW cassette player, here, folks. -AND- A Sirius radio player dealie (LOVE IT Alt Nation Rocks, so many choices I could surf all day though).

Second (actually I got this first, but obviously it comes in second on my most loved list) my only requested gift, which was NEW DISHES. A man could eat off the same brown plate every day for years and not care. Maybe not even notice. I know this from experience. I have NEVER picked and purchased dishes. And I'm not talking fine china here, I mean the stuff you scrape your fork on every single night. But now I love mine - Sango Nova Black is what we finally agreed on. I had originally picked a bright turquoise crackle pattern they carry at Target, but JB found the bright happy color alarming (another man thing, I think), so we finally agreed on this one. Plain, but sharp, I think. And, after all, what I think is all that really matters in the case of my own dinnerware, isn't it?

Third (a belated add on birthday request), we are going to the SYMPHONY the day after my birthday. JB's out of town all week (including up until about 11pm on my birthday on Friday, but I'm having a pity party and everyone's invited, so that's ok then). I've never been to actually see the ASO in concert, really. I mean, I did see them once in a special performance at Piedmont Park. I love classical music, so it should be awesome!

Happy birth-day toooo meeeee, happy birth-day to~ooo~~ meee~~~eeeee.....

Gads I'm old.

Friday, January 13, 2006

UPDATED page from the vegemobile diaries

OK, so when I originally posted info about the vegemobile tracking a month or two ago, I had FORGOTTEN to restart the trip odometer, so I have no idea how many miles I went in between fill ups. I can tell you that I have filled up the regular diesel tank one time since that post (actually, JB filled the tank, and also forgot to push in the stupid button), in addition to the fill up this morning.

Since I DID push in the trip odometer today, let's begin again.

Vegemobile diary tracking....
Filled up diesel tank 01/13/06 7:30 am, 10.305 gallons

NOW we'll see how far we get before we have to refill the regular fuel tank... Keeping in mind there may be numerous fillups of the vegetable tank in between, which is what I'm running on 80-90% of the time.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Anyone want to go for a hike?

So when I got the mailer on this program from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society I knew I was on board. It's a new fundraising program that ends in a hike of the Grand Canyon. There's an informational session on 01/28 so I can get more details... I only hope it doesn't conflict with my already planned and booked vacation in May... We'll see!

For those that don't know (which would probably be most, it's not exactly part of my typical conversation or writing fodder), my mom died almost exactly 2 years after being diagnosed with myelofibrosis (she died several years ago). I have participated a few times in the L&LS's Light the Night walks.

Since I LOVE hiking and being outdoors, when I got this flyer that combines two things I love - national parks and hiking, this is even better! I'll need to start "training" to get into decent physical shape for the final hike, so if anyone's willing to go for a hike, let me know!

Don't come around here no more

As Stewie might say "Felt a little, erm, shall we say 'trickle' under the armpit, mmmm?"

Um, yeah. Definitely forgot deodorant this morning. Damn.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I want it all

All right, so who's going to invent the integrated MP3 / radio / satellite radio player?

After all, you've got to be able to get exposed to new music somewhere.

Maybe I was never meant to be perfect

So I think my continuing dissatisfaction with self all goes back to some driven childhood need for perfection. My parents (mother) always had such high hopes and expectations for my sister and I. One of my earliest memories is of my mom administering an IQ test. Horseback riding and French lessons soon to follow.

Now I am this kind of hippie ADD short time hobby person, which sort of disgusts me because I feel like I should finish what I am starting. But the flip side of that is my desire to be the BEST at things, which means that I get discouraged if I don't show an immediate aptitude to pick something up. Hence, never getting involved in group sports. Here's me, tripping over the soccer ball at age 7, etc. And, as a grown up having never learned or played, its still hard to just jump in.

But, maybe that is just what I do and what my life is about. I'll sure as hell try anything. Sometimes I'll keep trying, because I think maybe it would be "cool" to know (Tai Chi, horseback riding, language lessons). I think perhaps (perhaps, I'm gonna float this out there anyway), I need a paradigm shift on some of this stuff.

I have GREAT follow through to things that I DECIDE (i.e. losing weight, quitting smoking, being a good employee, etc.). What I DON'T have great follow through is some stuff that I dabble in for my own personal horizon broadening experience. What's the point of all this blathering, you say? Well... MAYBE... Just MAYBE, there's nothing wrong with dabbling...?! Is trying a bunch of different things and continuing to experiment and learn a little bit about a bunch of things (instead of niching into a single or a few subjects) such a BAD thing, after all?

I have done so much with my life. I am DOING so much with my life. When is it "enough"? Who says? I want to be successful. I want to have fun. So, I'm doing it already!

By the way, my hobby du jour is knitting. I'm GOOD at it !!! (At least, I was able to start knitting and do a couple of rows last night.

My big long term hobbies - I read, a LOT, in spurts. When I feel like it, I make stuff (crafty stuff). I travel, a LOT (3x France, 1x Italy, 1x Britain, several xMexico, coupla xCaribbean, etc...., not counting numerous travels within the US, incl. TONS of awesome National Parks all over the place and an upcoming Hawai'i trip this summer).

In the immortal words of the wise Popeye "I yam what I yam." I need to take my own advice I'm always spurting to whoever will listen - stop TALKING about what you WISH and start DOING the steps that take you there... OR - LET IT GO ! You don't want it bad enough yet!!! :)

How random...

So, I got a message on the system from this guy I used to know back in HIGH SCHOOL! Who, I was never really great friends with, and didn't keep in touch with... My biggest memory of him is that the other kids always called him "big bird" because he was humongously tall, kind of awkward looking and blonde...

So here's the note:
Sent: December 21, 2005 06:03:01 PM
Subject: Hiya from San Antonio!

How the heck are you? Remember me, the 6'9" skinny kid that had a crush on you? If you go to our 20 year reunion, I promise to bring lots of pics (with you in 'em!) I have two beautiful little girls but'll be divorced by the time our reunion comes around.

Now, that sounds to me like some guy divorcing hoping for some miracle hookup/romance, right?!!!! I kind of want to write back, just to say "HI" and "blast from the past" or whatever, but hmm.

Gotta think on that one a minute!!

But, how RANDOM can you get?!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Thank God For the Woman's Curse

Yep. You read right. One of the VERY VERY few (hell, probably the ONLY) time you will see me write the words above, or even think them!

Why would I write such a thing, you ask? Or maybe just "This is Wayyy Wayy TMI..." To which I say: Too Damn Bad. Get Over It.

First: the happy news.... I'm baaaa-aaack ! ! ! Yes, I have recovered from the monthly slip under the crazy vortex of suffocation and suffering that is a direct result of my damn monthly hormonal changes. Monday I seriously considered closing the garage and leaving the car on with me in it; today I think I'll hold off on that until I actually accomplish something, or die of some natural cause while trying. Yeah, all the stuff I wrote is still true. So Fucking What. I'm going back to happy naive denial C-Rella. It's a happier place.

Second: I weighed myself on Monday morning and was Horrified to see a much higher number than I had been seeing pre-holidays. I had taken off of weighing myself daily between about 12/13 and this past Monday. But, based on today's weight (160, a new all time low, ladies and gentlemen!!!!!), it was WATER BLOAT! YAY WATER BLOAT!

So there you go. I'm still bored with myself and really have pretty much a whole lot of nothin to say, but I thought I'd at least update everyone.

Sorry for dragging everyone into my misery with me, I really was trying to just not post at all, but I guess Rhi missed me... For some reason... Thank you lovely Rhi it is good to know that I am noticed.... :) I have to say also, it was somewhat cleansing to at least put the blech out there a bit.

So HI! I'll think of something interesting sooner or later. Maybe.

Oh! I like Soduku (number puzzles). Try it! And, I hate math, but you don't have to be good at math.

And, Batman Begins is a really good movie. And Memoirs of a Geisha (I hear, only if you haven't already read the book, which, you know, I didn't).

Oh and cool beans and thanks AGAIN to my good friend that I need to meet one day Rhi, I'm going to get some new reading material soon - see her recent multi-tasking post, I clicked the link!

Hmmm. Yep, that's it for now.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I am back in my normal modus operandi. That is, apathetic dissatisfied mode of feeling. Now why is that?! Well the whole Fuzz thing has me uber paranoid and is making me not want to *ever* do *anything* of a remotely personal or writing nature on my work computer (I'm pretty sure my bosses don't care if I take that 10 minutes, after all the lunches I've skipped, but I haven't exactly asked them). Which in turn makes me a bit resentful (well, I'll show them, I'll just go on back in my cozy comfy little shell and won't everyone miss me then... yeah right).

And, I guess that New Year's gets me thinking about all the things I start and never finish. Last year it was Spanish classes (3 classes later, Yo No Hablo Nada). And horseback riding lessons. Yeah, well they did stick me with an 11 year old instructor and her tired horse, and the horse would only turn and walk directly toward the 11 year old every time the 11 year old spoke to instruct me whenever I'd be trying to ride (her horse!). Blech. Reasons? or Excuses? Does it matter?

How does one come by a true hobby anyway? I think you have to have a passion for something first. Somehow, in some way, I was born with no passion. Apathy is my specialty. I hate myself for it.

I've been doing a lot of that lately, at least today. Hating myself, that is.

Have you ever been working on something for a while, and you think you're doing really well at it, boy you're going to be successful, everything is going great, and then suddenly something (or many things) happen and you realize you've screwed a bunch of things up? Yeah, that was today. Nothing major, but lots of minor things. And I hate it. I don't tolerate mistakes well from others (I do tolerate them), I don't tolerate mistakes at all from myself. I feel like a major f*up today.

And I'm old. Further away from hip every single day. Any chance I had at being edgy passed me by back in about '85. I wanted to be edgy. But KIR baby, I see it now. At my age and being who I am... any pathetic attempt I may make at edgy, really just comes off as just damn sad. I'm going to be 36 years old in 17 days, and damn it, I'm just not getting any better, I'm stagnating and rotting into the nasty shallow bitter shell that my mother was when she finally left this world. And, I don't know what to do about it.

Yep, that's about it.

Waah waah wahh.

Yeah, I know. Cry me a river.

Happy new year all you new leaf happy damn people.

Yeah. PMS. Gotta love it.

Stay tuned.... The optimistic happy C-rella programming may or may not be back after these messages.

In the meantime.... I prefer not to spew my negativity all over my page... You may not hear from me for a bit... I will go dark until ready to resume regularly scheduled programming.

Maybe its time to break out the Secret Weapon (the infamous snowman underwear).
Or fuzzy frog socks (gotta get some of those, boy howdy!).